I’m back mofos Hey friends, I held a decent amount of shares and caught the big wave from 1.61/62 years back...sorry months back. Lol sure seems like it's been a while.
After the three months of holding through the slide back to high 3's and then the moon shoot leasing announcement with 25min left of trading that regretfully panicked quite a few holders. I decided it was time to go make some money elsewhere while we wait for deals and up listings. I reduced my position here and ventured off.
Well just an update....I did just that. Made a boatload from coast to coast as wreckless as can be. Although I like to think I Atleast am right 7-8/10 times.
Anywho, I added substantially to my shares in PYR and also climbed on the HPQ today. Quite diversified now with other holdings and feeling good.
My basics in T.A. sure helped accomplish this.
I love it when a plan comes together. Have a good weekend all. Let's go Peter!!!