RE:RE:AION HOW TO START A MOVEMENT IN 3 MINUTES VIDEO TED TALKSRisePrize007 wrote: I enjoyed this video a lot. Ty MNB!
Good morning Rize....IS that not dang da dang HILARIOUS!! omg I was roaring in laughter when my buddy sent me that one.
First Rize you are a true team player!!! Anonymous or not, I know you walk a straight line, you are a solid human. I do a lot of dd, both zeroing in on my investments and than MOST CERTAINLY to extend my dd, to the current environment around the world.
Currently front headlines news..............GO GAMESTOP GO...GO ROBINHOOD GO BABY!!!....hahaha I am your biggest fan!!
I post level 2, I try to post eachh days momentum in trading, I try to create comradery here on our investment discussion, I share ALL my dd and that TED TALK video...... "how to create a movement in 3 minute"s......BLEW MY MIND!!!! Kabooom badda bing badda boom!! hahhaha so fuking true, I am cracking up as I type!! lmfaso.
So, Rize now we know it only takes the 2 of us to make everybody RICH HERE! Right?
I will be the first guy to stand up and and start dancing by mysetf..hahaha and you Rize are the FIRST follower to join dancing with me.
Which in fact is true. Along the way, you and I have both encouraged others to join us in the AION group dance, gathering a bigger crowd.
This is also true.
NOw, hahha we gotta crank up the music, (AION SPIT OUT AN NEWSWIRE).
When HUGE volume arrives here, WE will all know that news is imminent.
Why do you say that MNB?
Because we all know the Brokers get the leaky news first!!
99.9%%%% of the time, Brokers have inside information! was a 100% of the time..... Up until......GME that is hahahaha oh fuk GO GME GO!!
I repeat a note on Gamestop. Do those blue old hair ladies with money in these hedgefunds, KNOW their money is being used to manipulate and STEAL, college kids hared earned Tim Hortons money, or from hard working investors money???
OMG, I cannot believe what Wallstreet has done to Robinhood its so ILLEGAL, IT'S BLANTANTLY CORRUPT!!!!
How how HOW can you have NO rules for SHORTS who are manipulating the stock to go DOWN and than implement a WACK OF LAWS on Robinhood to manipulate the stock to go UP???
HOW HOW can you have NO RULES for the SHORTS who are manipulating the stock to go down and than OVERNIGHT create laws and issue lawsuits, when a group like Robinhood manipulates the stock to go up????
FUK..., shyte....., insane....., corrupt....., double standard......, biotch.....etc etc, uggggggggggg!!!!!!!! you fukers on Wallstreet should be shot & tarred & feathered and than thrown over the New York Bridge!!!
I am so boiled pi$$ed they started class action lawsuit against Reddit.
Decades upon decades of the shorts STEALING MONEY from hard working investors and NOT ONE OF YOU can even FIND a broker to take your short order!!
cuz you don't have a quarter million cash in the bank..that's why!! How the fuk is this a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD??
Post bash all ya want, to the opposing opinion...BUT TRUTH IS TRUTH!!
Because what they are fighting for is EQUALITY!!!! That's right....... investors want a LEVEL playing field when it comes to ANY investment.
kk that was my GME go baby go rant for the day. hahahha
That is the purpose of these forums. I really do not care if I am invested in producing & distributing, TOAD TURD, I just want my money to grow. Don't you??
These forums are the place, the sandbox, the media source to play with your money.....WITH OTHERS OF SAME INTEREST!!
Rize you are a testament to that!!
Yup, again all capital letters. Ya gotta know, my capitals are an expression, of how I live life!! Joyfully & colourful.
I am too old to be yelling in anger,............. frustration maybe but not anger. hahah
I use my loud capitals to pin zero in.........on the point I want my readers to take note of.
Who the fuk stood up and made capital letters a bad text, how do you get the world to okay that shyte and follow like fuking sheep? ugg
Why can't capital letters be LOUD expressions of Joy?
Why can't capital letters be a format of HIGHLIGHTING a word(s) is the text format???
Why are capital letters viewed ONLY as yelling, angry form of text???
Why is
pear you eat, spelt differently than than a
pair of shoes??? ahhah ya get me folks? Make a wrong a right!! Don't always follow the sheep you will get burned!!!
Best part about this forum...if ya do not like to read a particular members post ya get to push the "iggy" button and badda bing badda boom you control your own platform. hahaha lmfaso
I am a rebel. I am part of pool of people that go forward in life, making a WRONG....a RIGHT!!! True
That is why I LOVE THIS ROBINHOOD & REDDIT story!! all capital letters hahhaha lmfaso
That TED TALK was hilarious. Again Rize were you able to click on the link and it worked or did ya have to copy/paste it??
Most times my copy/paste links WORK....but this time I am not sure. let me know!
Have a great Saturday and keep dancing the MOVEMENT WILL GROW and GROWWW and GROWWWWWWW$$$
Lator gator :>))