RNG -recent developments"Finnish energy company Gasum is aiming to reduce carbon emissions through increased biogas availability, with a goal of four TWh of biogas available on the market by 2025 through its own production and that of certified European partners. The company is expanding its internal biogas production capacity through the construction of new plants and procuring production from other operators, and now has nine biogas plants in Finland and six in Sweden. DTE Energy, a Detroit-based utility, is the first energy company to offer an environmental program that combines the use of both RNG and a carbon offset program to offer customers a new way to reduce their carbon footprint. The utility, which serves 1.3 million natural gas and 2.2 million electric customers in Michigan, has created the CleanVision Natural Gas Balance program as part of its net-zero emissions commitment by 2050. RNG will be sourced from landfills and wastewater treatment plants and will offer customers, both residential and commercial, a path to offset 25% to 100% of GHG emissions from an average home or small business. The Gas for Climate consortium, which consists of eleven leading European gas transport companies and two RNG industry associations, has published a new policy paper in which it presents its rationale for a necessary 11% renewable gas target to meet the EUs climate goals. The 11% target should consist of at least 8% RNG consumed in the EU by 2030, with the balance (3%) made up of green hydrogen. A binding target for renewable gas will help to reduce the production costs of biomethane and green hydrogen during the 2020s, while in the long-term help to achieve the European decarbonisation targets at the lowest societal costs. U.S. President Biden signed a swath of executive orders this week as part of his administrations plan to combat climate change and reverse the previous administrations policies that were viewed as detrimental to that plan. The overarching aim of the executive orders is to center the climate crisis in U.S. foreign policy and national security, and to create a whole-of-government approach to shifting the country from reliance on fossil fuels to sources of low- or no-carbon energy. A few key takeaways that are positive for the RNG industry and Greenlane include promoting the flow of capital toward climate-aligned investments and away from high-carbon investments; investing in clean and zero-emission vehicles for Federal, State, local, and Tribal government fleets, including vehicles of the United States Postal Service; and ensuring that Federal funding is not directly subsidizing fossil fuels." Jan 22-29, 2021 Nordic energy company Gasum to increase biogas availability, cut carbon emissions RNG, carbon offsetting to help DTE Energy customers cut emissions 8% of gas consumed in EU by 2030 should be biomethane, says new policy paper Biden Executive Orders set broad federal role in clean energy and climate change mitigation