Elon Muskas we all know absolutly hates shorters and always wants to see them burn up. Now this guy has a few bucks to keep shorters scared. He would love nothing more than to burn these big firms that are shorting Silver. I read somewhere that Scotia Bank has a ton of shorts on Silver. There are also many smaller banks out there that will have no choice but to cover their shorts or else they go bust. Silver will have no choice but to go higher if this plays out. It all depends how much big money is behind this movement but if I was short Silver I would be out asap.
A few billionairs and the masses could blow this wide open? I'm not even guessing how high this might go? The nice thing about buyng silver is that you actually have something in your hand. It is not a total loss if it goes down. Some of these other stocks that they are driving up could go down to zero and be worth zero. Silver is a very interesting play for this crowd and with much less risk.
$50.00 Silver anyone???