RE:RE:Interesting! From YahooLots of total market manipulation around "us" here in ittle old ONC land.
Ironically. all of the malodies many were blaming on mangment, or the market makers etc, could be some of our won.
Aka modern-day boiler rooms known as chat sites on redit etc.
Now :That I have your attention let me make my point.
ONC mangement is employed and paid to do one thing and only one thing: GET PELAREOREP
IF/when they succeed, ONC shares will be worth many multiples of any number you can imagine.
There ARE shorters who dont care one way or the other about ONCs future, only to hopefully drive the price down to make some quick bucks.
We saw the resutls of as short squeeze last Dec when the price was rising 40%-60% /day.
Reghardelss of any of that, news is due soon. It may be as simeple as year end resutls annoucement? Could be Dr Matt is ready to retire? Could be a Phase 3 trial announcment?
Regardles, I have a few gaurentees. Between now & May there will be SP increses and drops , but a long term steady rise.
I wont deny the stock price has had better days. BUT
Look a little wider:
Since March 17/2020 , the average price has gone from $1.50 to recent $3.17 range: more tha double in less than a year.
And in the face of the so- called "massive dillution"
Go a bit further back ONC had a market cap of 1/3 of present value, 2 years ago.
So my Stockhouse pals its all about perspective.
Now , the question comes about why?
ONC went through some short term pain, for some long term gain 2 years ago,
The decision to "properly" examin all of the aspects of Palarorep use, has expanded the oportunites many multiples.
How much Per share?
AS Talking head says..."same as it ever was".."same as it ever was"
If they get Pela approved "Billions" for ONC
If they dont, very little.
Back to my original point: managementis doig a great job of getting a team together. Great medical & business advisory level.
TO GET Pelareorep to market as a cancer drug!
All the best and have a great Feb