Induration furnace replacementI'm curious to know at what stage of their expected life span the furnaces in the various plants of clients A, B and C are at. It makes sense to me that since the companies have already sunk costs into the purchase and installation of these furnaces that they would continue to use them until they've reached the end of their usable life cycle. I know a furnace in a house has a life span of about 20 to 30 years. These induration furnaces run at much higher temperatures than the ones in our home and probably get a lot more use. I read one article that the inner lining has an average life span of 4.3 years. I didn't do enough research to see if that's something that can just be repaired or replaced and at what cost. Maybe someone here would know. Anyways, I know that they would start reducing carbon taxes and ghg emissions immediately with plasma torch replacement but why fix something that ain't broke. I imagine odds are some of those furnaces need to be replaced soon and what better time to switch over to plasma.