RE:Under Joe Biden, Cannabis Stocks Will Have A GameStop Moment 918 reads for Cosinus. I wonder what his connection is with Redditt or Gamestop? That anomoly of reads is a lot of interest possibly ignited by connections and concerted effort. I think you might be on to something about having a gamestop moment, If there is a sudden influx of buying from those 918 investor reads of Cosinus's post, we could have a run-up as soon as tomorrow. I do think small time home investors aren't finished with putting the boots to hedgefund managers and short sellers and there might be new, well financed funders that will back them, with a vengence. Nothing like a David and Goliath story to bring this into focus and I think there is lots of investment capital willing to invest in a company like Tinley who have accomplished a lot without a huge sharefloat and are so close that some of us can taste it. Maybe Cosinus is the messiah for the followers that have enough faith and clout to try to run Tinley up too. As a long time shareholder I can imagine us at $5 or $10 when we get things humming. Synergize that with a US greenrush and a Redditt attack and how high is anybody's guess. It's certainly fun to think about the possibilities of a solid squeeze of Big Money and maybe those Justice seekers are tight enough to keep the ball rolling. I wouldn't mortgage the house but a little mad money out of the hooker and blow account might be a good investment. glta and dyodd