Environmentalists are INDIRECTLY confirming OIL DISCOVERYReco is drilling 250 kilometers away from the Okavango Delta, that is like 2 hours away driving by car. It is a very long way from the Delta, hence the consultants remarks make sense as the local farmers, those whom are close by and are in the know are for this project and, so is the government.
At one point the company had to hit back hard by showing the environmentalists true colours that they are motivated by their own GREED for colonization purposes, not by their any biological sensitive concerns.
RECO has gone on record countless times saying that they are going to be drilling for CONVENTIONAL OIL and not fracking. They have even amended their license to remove some areas from drilling altogether.
The only thing I read into this is that RECO has found OIL, otherwise there was no reason to have their consultant lash out, nor would there be any reason for the environmentalists to continue to oppose the drilling.
Do you really think that the country of Nambia will choose to continue to live in poverty if they are sitting on an oil discovery that is biggest than that of Saudi Arabia, simply to keep the path open for some elephants that are 250km away from this project?
I think that consultant lashing out was done with permission from company and, from the government itself. They want their 10% cut as it represents MASSIVE windfall of money.
If you listen to environmentalists all the time, we would be living in the cave communities eating bananas as our main supper.
I am glad they hit back and, I would also include a lawsuit for sabotage and defamation against the environmentalists.