OT - R you guys/gals as brave as this puny nation? Doubt it!https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-29-bill-gates-george-soros-rockefeller-family-coronavirus.html# Just bury your head in the sand and say F'ck it all, Just leave alone to be rich whether
are in hell or heaven.
Rich, rich, rich, rich !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thinking that if gold's limitation of production could just be the money system again we
couldn't print to death the way we do.
The US's goods were being under priced killed by the cheaper rest of the world and the
bankster setup system allowed that. Where gold was being funneled out of the US in
order to pay for that.
The US was going broke, losing its gold and losing its industrial base. It either had to form
a new bretton woods agreement (in effect a republic democracy on the world level and
scrrew jesus's nonsense religious communism kingdom) or first borrow to death and then
print to death to keep its position in the world.
Well you know what the US chose !!!!!!!!
On the other hand
an S&M existence is not existence. It's a torture fest, personalities disorders and freak
show, all the time.
So I don't blame you !!!!! No body asked for this, and when we finally realize that, there
is no advocate that has our back. And the freak show is overwhelmingly demoralizing and
Trump sort of did have our back, in theory aka speeches, and probably won the recent
election by a large amount even because Biden is a dementia becoming nothing, person.
then who has Trump's back - aliens or god (jesus) ???????
They haven't proved themselves to be there, let alone help us. And though jesus has
this book about himself, or at least the much shorter 2nd part of the book. It's not real
time investigateable, testable and verifiable. Unless think fantasy and relating to it and
getting all work up over fantasy, is reality?
50% do and that is enough to have a world war over and we will !!!!!!
Don't bother replying to this post. You are just going to embarrass yourself and not
realize that. Or contribute to the freak show and probably not realize that either.