RE:HLTH - needs better disclosure IMO Hello guys,
so I have sent an email to HLTH asking about more of company's info and its acquisitions but i received nothing back.On top of that, I decided not to invest back on this company for the reason that as long as Hollister Biosciences chart goes, HLTH will take roughly a year to get where Hollister Biosciences is currently at the moment.Given that the same CEO is on top of both companies,the sp price movement of both stocks follow the other, meaning if you closely look at the chart lines, they almost have the same pattern of bending down and up. HLTH got itself in into covid and digital currency but it hardly takes off compared to other companies which got those .I think the company is more of a conservative approach that's why and needs to take a more pressive and stronger approach like " Hey, i got this that other companies don't have , you should come invest on me" Regardless, best of luck to all.
rankininlet wrote:
Attached link shows MEDV, a company that regularly discloses VIA webinar:
sales updates
investment updates
investment details ( CRITICAL- milestone events trigger writing of the cheque$ )
Alex should be doing a much better job of providing the investment community with information. Not much clarity from HLTH per my research over the weekend. Much more would be better. An example is the crypyo business. Part is royalty from microchips and part is financing pre-sale of yet un-mined crypto coins. The last part is providing cash flow to junior crypto firms prior to them mining the coins. Whose financing this? Not clear in the press release. Important information in my opinion. GLTA
PS Is this message also a pump for MEDV. Yup. Its also an encouragement to push Alex for better disclosure.