OT - we are officially in hell, there is no return to normalNow they say that there are new bad strains from the one original covid-19
strarn. That the norm of mutating to harmlessness in 1 1/2 years isn't happening.
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=CNN+says+there+are+new+strains+of+covid-19 That new bad strains are emerging instead.
Well surprise surprise, NOT !!!!
Here's another surprise.
They can't lock down the world if we all, or a lot of us, take off our masks.
They can do what THEY always do after that, when all else fails to control
us the way they want - CREATE WORLD WAR .
I'm not saying we can win if we don’t wear masks. But we also can’t win
if we capitulate because THEY will feed us junk vaccines, divide and shut
downs us, all the time.
So if we are going to get hit both ways then how are we to go out, in the
hit types, by vaccines or bullets or by freedom and being murdered by the
murderers with vaccines, wars and jails, anyway.
Yes by being free.
Those that don't want to be free can wear masks, gloves, rubber shoe fits
and shoulder held bags that contain a disinfectant spray, wipes and paper
towels. And insulate yourself from the world that way. Knock your
selves out that way.
If the world doesn't like that, not like normalcy of going face diaper-less,
many people think THEY are telling the truth that strains of new bad covid-19
viruses are happening all the time, because THEY have told the many people
that, who believe them.
Then have your claim of fame by being DIFFERENT that way and protect
yourself form normalcy and keep wearing facial diapers to protect yourself
from NORMALCY, and all the other accessories of that, by being outlaws
from normalcy.
How chic, how cool, how different. Being face diapered always. And all
the other accessories.
SET a new trend.
But don't ask that of NORMEES !!!!
You be yourself, which is DIFFERENT and normees will be themselves,
CONFORMIST to being free and free of the tyranny of medical and political
fear mongers of virus spreaders.
If tyrannists of medical and political virus spreaders and fear mongers, keep
being their type of freedom, that of criminality, then lock them in jail.
Icke has it right
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJsHDwwFEGs What YOUTUBE has, is wrong. Accepting all the time, as the truth, what
THEY say. That the bad covid-19 virus is mutating to bad strains of itself
ALL THE TIME. Hence can face masks us, distance us, keep us from
congregating and control us like that, all the time.
From the link again at the top
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=CNN+says+there+are+new+strains+of+covid-19 Your choice.
Be free without a mask. Or be face diapered with a mask and gloves and
spray bottle and wipes and slip on rubber protectors, with yourself all the
After all someone released the deadly covid-19 virus and someone is
saying that it's spawning new deadly viruses.
Probably the same people. Since can't have one without the other - the
spreaders of the virus and the media that tells us about it 24/7 and acts as
an arm of the spreaders.
Then go after them !!!!
Be it communist china political party or communist US, the democrats
far more than the republicans, and lock them up.
If there are too many to lock up, then lock up the news mongers and the
criminal dispensers of the released bad virus and new bad strains.
Because they are in cahoots with each other to get the people all worked
up in terror and willingness to be diapered, injected, herded and shut