RE:OrdersI DO NOT REMEMBER any time bbd mentioned any thing about number of G7500 in back log or sold ones
but bbd said that they expect to deliver between 30-40 G7500 in 2020
and i am sure they achieved that goal
now we are in 2021
up to now delivery (in my opinion ) is very weak and slow
in Jan bbd exported 6 business jets 1 G7500, 2 G. express. 2 Challenger 350, 1CRJ
in 35 days in Q1 2021 bbd delivered about 6 bus. jets
still have about 55 days in Q1 , how many will they deliver in Q1, no one know
bbd is silent
may be we will get update in feb 11
no business jet delivery since jan 29 !!!!
IMO, bbd need to export about 30 business jet in Q1 2021, STILL HAVE 7 WEEKS befor Q1 ends