This does:

I received the following email from a poster via private channel today. 

(We get about 2-3 like this a month. I share this one becasue it is short and to the point).

It is not that she sold a portion of her Pyro holdings, but the fact that it changed her life and secured her child’s future.  I shared it with all my employees imploring them to be proud of what we are doing…changing people’s lives.

This makes me proud.

This makes me charged to continue doing what we do so well…even when at times there are those that may try to diminish our accomplishments.

This, quite frankly, turns me on.  I hope it does for you as well:

Hi Peter:

I took money out of my savings to double my position in PYR, something I never do but had faith.
I have now sold that position and now have no worries about our daughters tuition. She just got her first degree and now is applying to take Occupational Therapy and if she doesn't get that she has a fall back to get into Nursing with a goal of becoming a practical Nurse.
As you know education is not cheap. But because of the work you have done with PYR we don't have to worry about our daughter's expenses. She will now be able to complete her goals and finish her education without ANY debt.
Thanks Peter this is all because of you and your teams hard work. I still have a good position and now to see if mom and dad can become millionaires... lol.

