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Alta Copper Corp. T.DNT

Primary Symbol: T.ATCU

ALTA COPPER CORP. IS AN EMERGING COPPER DEVELOPER ADVANCING WITH THE GLOBAL SHIFT TOWARD ELECTRIFICATION AND DECARBONIZATION. Alta Copper Corp. is focused on the development of its 100% owned Cañariaco advanced staged copper project. Cañariaco comprises 97 square kilometers of highly prospective land located 150 kilometers northeast of the City of Chiclayo, Peru, which include the Cañariaco Norte deposit, Cañariaco Sur deposit and Quebrada Verde prospect, all within a 4km NE-SW trend in northern Peru¿s prolific mining district. Cañariaco is one of the largest copper deposits in the Americas not held by a major.

TSX:ATCU - Post by User

Comment by Sikrisoon Feb 05, 2021 9:11pm
Post# 32491431

RE:RE:Candente Copper

RE:RE:Candente CopperWas that numbers born by your fantasy? If not, could you give us concrete source where did you find it! Within the recommendation secretion of the pfs you can read following words...

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