RE:RE:RE:DidipioA thoughtful post Awarded. I sincerely hope your optimism on the the imminent successful signing of the FTAA does occur. I am always happy to make profits.
It is logical to assume that it will be signed soon.
There are 4 questions that concern me, and apparently the market(
1) Duterte has had a recommended DENR FTAA on his desk for quite a while before this one.
2) If signed, what new considerations have been given by OGC to make it happen. The government was already going to take 60 or 65% of the profits if my memory serves me correct.
3) Even if approved,, and in an advantageous format, can the current government and its successors guarantee uninterupted operations.
4) Most importantly to me, the article from Clubhouse was published 3 trading days TSE ago.
OGC has 54% of its shares held by institutions. The article is from a very well known Philippine source
So it would have been known by those that are paid to know ( institutions at the least)
Why has the GDX been flat in those 3 trading days while OGC has gone down?
On another note, thank you Pysch01 for the apology. My apology also, for not keeping my post s focused completely on the subject matter and not the poster. You also Clubhouse..
We are all trying to contribute in our own ways, and as long as the criticism is based on the
subject matter and not the messenger, it is valid, in my opinion. Once again my apolgies
from straying occassionally from this principle.