MLorenzo and Mrmonopoly, respectively1. ML. That is what I am talking about. Isn't markinetting purpose why they brought Galagher for? If yes are banners on Stochhouse his greatest achievement?
2. MrM. Why am I not content. about a year ago, when plandemy was ininitial stages and no one talked about tests, Torlif said on this board that he sees the stock around $2 a year from then. Which means NOW. And I responded that I see it around $10. Why, beacuse when you look at market cap of companies that sell much less revolutionary services and have no contracts with government of US or largest companies like Lotte or Samsung, and have multi $B valuations, than you think that is is possible. $10 US would put this company and pitifull (for todays valuations) $3B.
There are corporations 20X more than that and have no proffit.
So what is the reason why DM is not there. Se point 1. Why?, maybe someone wants to be that way.