Modivolve is marking real progress backed by revenue numbers Medivolve situation is different compared to the past. In the past, Anonymous could manipulate Medivolve as investors see forward-looking progress or plan but no revenue. So people buy, QSC stock price goes up, then Anonymous start their manipulation and drive down the stock price without follow-up updates.
Now, it is a different story, Modivolve is marking real progress backed by revenue numbers. Yes, Anonymous can still manipulate MEDV, but they can do it only for the short term. Medivolve is issuing updates every other day showing, revenue numbers getting better and better. New collection sites coming online every week, bringing more revenue.
I don't know who is selling, as Anonymous. One of the businesses that got paid from Medivolve with shares or someone, shorting MEDV. When you analyze data and watch trading orders in real-time, it does point to short selling. Whatever the case is, no one continues this forever. Once they are out of this option, Medivolve can start climbing up.
In my lifetime as a stock trader, I see Medivolve have many options. Logic is to let these people sell, and when you see they don't have much left, bring in the hammer. That can be in many different ways. Medivolve can start TV commercial advertising collection sites, arrange an interview with BNN or arrange a business press conference. Hire an investor relation, start selling more products or services through collection sites.
The revenue, Medivolve is generating from collection sites, Sanity Columbia and partnership with RESAAS. Now, they will be offering Nuturell's COVID-19 Surface Shield Technology. Medivolve, also working with Marvel Diagnostics to bring in non-invasive low-cost BlowFISH, will be a disruptive technology.
I don't think Anonymous can manipulate Medivolve for long. The company announced 62 collection sites up and running. I see 14 out of 15 Texas locations started taking appointments from today 3 more compared to last week. Many of the Florida locations shows taking appointments from Monday. So progress continues.
Once Medivolve management decided enough is enough. They can move this stock to its real value very fast. All they need is a $100-$220k budget, and they can destroy these shorts. I am noting going to put numbers to the stock price. Instead, I challenge everyone to spend a few hours searching, a company with $20-$30 million monthly revenue and see what market cap they are trading. You will get your answer to what price Medivolve should be trading or what should be a reasonable market cap.