NEW: COMPLETED PYR Completes Filing of Form-40F with the SEC, as part of the final adminstrative details prior to Nasdaq uplist - Feb 2

COMPLETED PYR Updates investor presentation: : Jan 25

COMPLETED PYR CEO Peter Pascali Conducts Interviews Regarding Latest Developments, Q4 Guidance, ARK ETF, Etc.: Jan 22.

COMPLETED HPQ Announces Achievement of Sub-100nm silicon based spherical nano-powders and nano-wires using PYR Technology: Jan 21

COMMENCED PYR Announces Implementation of NCIB Share Buyback Program: Jan 12.
WIll potentially buy back up to 5,000,000 shares, or 3.14% of shares outstanding.

COMPLETED PYR Announcement of Guidance for Q4: 4th Quarter Revenue Between $3-5MM; Q4 Earnings Per Share between 0.10-0.12 : Jan 11.

COMPLETED PYR added to ARK Funds 3D Printing ETF: Week of Jan 1, 2021

COMPLETED HPQ Announces Silicon By-Product Created by PYR's Purevap QRR Technology; Files Provisional Patent for Use as Anode Material in Lithium-Ion Batteries: Dec 29

COMPLETED PYR Files official listing application to Nasdaq: Dec 22

COMPLETED Announcement of PUREVAP / Nano Silicon Reactor starting: Dec 17

COMPLETED PYR Tunneling client update; new $1.1MM order: Dec 16
- Signed an additional contract with the US-based tunneling client for approx. $1.1MM. The total value of all contracts entered into with this client is in excess of$3.6MM. PYR received$1.3MMto date under these contracts.

COMPLETED PYR Open the TSX "bell ringing" (virtually): Dec 11

COMPLETED: PYR Filing of patent for "Non-water cooled consumable electrode vacuum ARC furnace for continuous process" (primarily about efficiency and safety gains, both of which save money for companies) : Dec 10.

COMPLETED PYR Announcing application to uplist to Nasdaq: Dec 8

COMPLETED Various video interviews
On Agoracom: Nov. 30
On Agoracom: [url= ] [/url]Dec 4
On :  Dec 10

COMPLETED PYR 3rd Quarter financials: Nov. 25
- announced record $8MM quarterly revenue that surpasses all previous yearly revenue
- announced 17MM cash on hand
- announced EPS of $0.10 for Q3
- announced backlog of signed contracts of $36.4MM
- announced retiring of all significant debt

COMPLETED: PYR Client A preliminary torch contract news, NOV 24
- signed initial $1.8MM order with multi-billion dollar global iron ore manufacturer
- announced ongoing discussions toward additional orders

COMPLETED: PYR commenced trading on TSX: Nov 20

COMPLETED: PYR receives final approval to graduate to TSX: Nov 18

COMPLETED: PYR provides major update on plasma torch business: Nov 12
- announces new customer financing model: equipment leasing
- received quote request for first 4 torches to pending client B, who moved to contract negotiation
- announced pending client C has moved to modeling stage

COMPLETED: PYR files patent for the production of synthetic gas using reclyced CO2 via combined dry and steam reforming of methane: Nov 12

COMPLETED: PYR closed bought deal share issuance at $12MM: Nov 10

COMPLETED: PYR filed and uploaded final short-form prospectus to SEDAR: Nov 4

COMPLETED: PYR received conditional approval for uplisting: Oct 26

COMPLETED: HPQ receives first order for spherical nano silicon material from major automative manufacturer: Oct 22

COMPLETED: PYR announced bought deal short form prospectus issuance as part of uplisting criteria: Oct 15

COMPLETED: HPQ proprietary nano silicon manufacturing process to incorporate first ever one-step capability of carbon coating nano silicon material as it is produced: Oct 14

COMPLETED: PYR filed application to uplist to TSX: Oct 6

Here’s some expected catalysts to come:

Increase of PYR's holdings in ARK Funds 3D Printing ETF [PRNT] : Daily
(holdings list is rewritten every day at approx 7-8PM EST, and over-writes previous day's chart)

HPQ Nano's delivery of first sample silicon nano battery powders to "global automaker) (wrt Oct 30 NR re: HPQ signing powder sample deal with global auto maker): slated for January.

Uplist to Nasdaq: expected to uplist during early Q1 2021.

Announcement of sales/modelling of torches with additional industries, such as cement, aluminum, glass, etc.

Torch contract news: conversion of Client B’s recent plasma torch pricing request for 4 torches (guessing at $7-12MM+) into full orders: any time.

Potential spinoff of additive manufacturing division.

Confirmation from Professor Lionel ROU at the Cenre Energie Materiaux Telecommunications (EMT) of the INRS of HPQ's sub-100nm discovery.

Confirmation HPQ can create both sub-100nm and greater-than-100nm powder sizes for use by various types of applications.

Receive next payment of ~$2.6MM from subsidiary Drosrite international toward existing +$25MM contract to deliver five Drosrite systems: “within the next four (4) weeks”, and prior to shipping of order.

HPQ announcement of entering new market for nano-powders.

Confirmation of scalability of non-silicon reactor.

Aubert & Duval 3D printing powder partnership update.

Battery powder orders.

Torch contract news: client C completes modelling phase.

Torch contract news: client C torch order.

Additional Drosrite orders.