RE:Proper link for lmnl diabetes patent grantedHE smart boy ! Do you that Prometic has over 500 patents in several contries with diffewrent protections over time. The one you're talking about was submitted in 2015. Nice! we are now protected in Europe for someting we didn't develop. It's only chemistry. There are no tested products, approved or close to being marketed. AGAIN YOUR POST IS B.S ! You realy don't know what you're talking about.
To answer EDROSE in Q3 2020 financial statements the Liminal intangible assets (you know what it is ?) have a valuation of $17 millions. This is the value of all small molecules, proteins, thechnology ptented like PPPS, but they depreciated IVIG by $150 milliuons !!! Great accounting!
You can trust them and buy a shtload of there shares ! Like did NEWCAMO and his aliases ! Hi! Hi!