RE:100% purity, and only inhalable yeast beta glucan in worldPatience. CZO's yeast beta glucan inhalable therapeutic for COVID-19 is a game changer that could help CZO join the billion dollar healthcare names. This is why Gilles will most likely go-it-alone.
prophetoffacts wrote:
100% purity, and the only inhalable yeast beta glucan in the world.
Is PGX yeast beta glucan the emerging gold standard in a billion dollar market?
After receiving that funding from the Canadian Government a few months ago towards establishing a feedstock for mass production and to optimize the pilot plant for production of PGX-YBG it is very interesting Gilles ran a net present value analysis and talked about the opportunity being so compelling CZO may decide to go-it-alone. He must like the apparent feasibility of mass production he's seeing thus far.