Investment friend checked into ONCYworks for Merrill Lynch...he asked around with some of the folks in their biotech group...told me most what we already know...its too small for their group to product company...couple of pharmas partnered..yada yada. But he said his biotech guy looked at the stock and some of the published studies and wasn't super impressed...yea Pela works...but it has a very weak positive effect. The studies have been small and the results have not blown any doors off...just some small incremental changes---hey women with advanced breast cancer bought a few months yay! He says he thinks the stock will languish and that big pharma wont be in any rush to partner or buy the company out. There are just too many companies competing in the space...and many are better capitalized with deeper pipelines. I asked him about another investment of mine XCUR --he said that one looked a lot better...better financial structure...numerous drugs in development...backed by some smart money...of course it is languishing too...meanwhile SHOP ROKU MSTR are doubling and tripling almost every few weeks....Market is probably preparing for a steep correction after all this for those of us looking for life changing wealth out of ONCY----its just more waiting for Godot. ..