RE:Quarterhill: Extremely Undervalued (Seeking Alpha) Cabbiejbj- thanks for posting Seeking Alpha articile which is fantastic, fantastic current article .
Love Article but I must point out it is on conservative side and has not reported numerous additional valuation facts which increase the value of our shares. The points understated and are based upon realistic and factual data are as follows:
1. Seeking Alpha has not reported the following fact from Q3 statements and noted in conference: Our cash balance should be approx 156 million not 124 million. Thereason for this difference is as follows; Managemen has stated there was substantial Accounts receivable probably relating to Intel of $ 72043 which was collected subsequent to quarter. Deduct Accounts Payable on balance sheet of 40198 , we get approx cash of 155 million. Factual
2.Seeking Alpha author states he likes our chances re Apple settlement and not to give an inch. However, his figures is understated by substantial amount. In motion to stay , Apple has agreed to give Wilan an accounting of slaes of post Iphone items for iphone 7 and subseqent which could take 109 award up by 50 million. Again this is not conjecture but fact .
3.No mention of cross-appeal which I agree to but it again is fact which could increase our value if successful in our demand. Cross-Appeal should be filed by February 12. Hopefully we could go back to original 145.
I look article but in view of above , our stock is extremely undervalued. Lets go up.