GREY:LXXGQ - Post by User
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Chopper1BigDogon Feb 10, 2021 11:28pm
Post# 32534310
Key points of lex Tec
Key points of lex Tec key points about Lexagene’s Tech
Lexagene have just commercialised the Worlds first portable point of need open access genetic analyser
Circa 10 years in development
Started life in LLNL (Lawrence Livermore Nat Lab)
Millions of Gov money spent on original tech to get to this point
Multiple underserved markets worth 10’s Billions
Ease of use
You or I can operate it
Markets: Human, Veterinary, Pharma, Food, Water , Cannabis
Tests for 27 Pathogens simultaneously or specific if required in under 60 minutes,printed results
Also gives Antibiotic resistance value result with each test
Razor Blade Profit Model: each test cartridge costs a few dollars to produce as the technology is in the machine,each test requires a new barcoded cartridge,patented. Selling price per test will be circa $50-150 per test dependant on volume and market. Each machine sold should do around 2000 tests per annum. Massive profit opportunity per machine sold,repeated yearly as more machines grows market
The first unit has been sold to a Multi Billion dollar market cap Bio Co for testing unwanted pathogens in the Covid and other Vaccines. MiQLab can scan a sample in 60 mins for every pathogen likely to occur during this manufacturing process,it currently takes a biologist a week to run one sample manually. Failure to detect can result in 10 million of lost product
In the case of Covid it will give a quantitive result showing if virus is dead or alive,not just positive or negative. It will also show if not Covid if there is another respiratory pathogen causing the symptoms. EUA pending human
Penn University have just taken a unit. They are a key opinion leader in the Veterinary space and carry out thousands of commercial tests for vets. See Shelley Rankin
Just imagine if you go to the doctor or take a pet to a vet within 60 minutes you can have a result as to which pathogen is causing the illness along with any antibiotic resistance so the correct medicine can be prescribed there and then. Currently you have to wait 7-10 days for a lab to run the tests before you get results
Benefits of immediate answers with the cost of the Analyser and test combined being cheaper than sending a sample out to a lab and waiting 7/10 days
Big suitors already looking at buyout potential. 1 Billion plus
So much more I could tell you
Exciting times for this revolutionary technology