RE:@Beluga (Gelana Complex - Primary Silver Mine in USA) I don't think all the whiners and complainers are necessarily short (although they might be!?!). I just think it is a mix of frustration (cause they want instant gratification), lack of understanding of a lot of things, and the need to hear themselves complain on a free social media platform.
But, hey, who knows for sure (or cares)?
What I do know FOR A FACT is that zinc was trading at $1.60 as San Rafael was set to come in to production...and then Trump started backing out of every(?) Trade Agreement the US had signed on to...and further decided to create a non-sensical trade war with China (that he and his administration waffled back and forth for a few years between saying it wasn't a trade war and saying it was)............all of which caused Zinc to crater and started the ball rolling from that day forward for USA.TO troubles.
USA shareholders would be singing a much different tune right now had Trump not backed out of all the Trade Agreements some 3-4 years ago.
Blasutti has been dealt a horrible hand from that point on...with issue after issue out of his control...COVID (shuts down Mexican mining and government / stops people and machinery getting to Relief Canyon through 2020)...illegal blockade...faulty stacker production (I am amazed that there is no compensation owing to USA.TO for this one).
I'm no expert on any of this, but neither are any of the whiners.
If they are experts I can't imagine they would be wasting their time complaining on Stockhouse.