RE:Team Eddy asked a key question!Pretty late response but good question! From what I can tell......there are many of these compostable pods on the market, all of which are made by 2 companies. PurePods and CoffeeClub. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I'm sure they are both fine products, can't compare because we have not seen the NEXE pod in action yet, but from what I understand, if the product does not compost fast enough, the industrial compost facility tosses them in the trash. NEXE is 35 days in the industrial facilities (your little green bin).
But the biggest reason to me that NEXE stock will take off so much faster is because you can't buy stock in the other two, they are privately held companies! So where do you put your money if you believe in compostable pods? NEXE. Anyone else? crickets.
*stock tip coming*......
It is like wanting to buy stock in the electric vehicle charging facilities. You can buy stock in BLNK and it has gone up to $50 in a very short period of time. BLNK is not the biggest, it is not the best, it does not make the most profits, it gets continually slagged by analysts, but you can buy the stock! Chargepoint is the biggest, the best, with thousands more charging outlets worldwide, but a private company. So where do you put your money if you want to invest in the charging facilities? BLNK, because you can.
(although Chargepoint was just bought out by SBE (voting on Feb 11) and their stock is currently at $40, soon to be renamed again as Chargepoint and listed on NYSE) In my opinion, it has to end up higher than BLNK.
Do your own due diligence, do your own research. These are just my opinions.
Good luck to all!