Impatient InvestorsI follow ATD on a number of chat boards. In general, it is very disapointing how impatient most investors are with regard to this stock. It seems like everone expects the stocks they own to be a rocket ship each and every day. In the search for a quick buck, there is so little attention paid to strong business fundamentals, good valuations and solid long-term growth. As I have said before, ATD ain't no rocket ship - never has been, never will be. But it has been a star of the TSX, consistently delivering market-beating returns over the long run.
For those of you looking for faster money - might I recommend GameStop (oh wait, that ride is over - hope you didn't buy-in at $US400) or perhaps some highly unprofitable cannibis companies (oh wait, they are all down 20% today - hope you didn't buy yesterday).
My advice: max out your ATD share allocation, then stop complaining, then let the superb management team at ATD do their thing. In the long run, you will be very happy that you did!