Bear Caseif we are talking 40 billion in metal here...and the resource is expanding..subtract 1 billion to build out the resource...from estimates I have seen, the value disconnection still appears extreme...I don't believe there are any accidents or that we are seeing things the marked isn't seeing. This resource is well there has to be a reason its trading for pennies now when it was dollars before the resource was expanded. The market has to believe that there is no way...even with mass dilution that they can develop this resource and bring it to market. Why did our other CEOs bail out if the value proposition was so great...and now we have a loser who barely communicates....then one of our fellow posters said he had an experience with one of the funds invested here where they pulled some underhanded stuff to ruin the common shareholders. I have dry powder and its tempting to pounce here and load the wagons...but these questions remain unresolved.