ACTLOK Ocean I've done some reading - the ACTL currently connected to Sturgeon Refinery and Nutrien Redwater which Google says is 28km and 30km respectively from Sherritt Ft Saskatchewan. It started up last year at partial capacity but seems to be running smoothly. The ACTL claims to be the worlds highest capacity CCUS pipeline/project with capacity for 14mil tones CO2 per year. I can't find really any info in regards to whether the source companies are receiving cash for their CO2 but presumably there are credits involved? It's a JV after all. The feds and the province have poured in some money too. We both burn gas for heat (autoclaves etc) and use it in our fertilizer process and generate CO2 in these and other processes. I agree we are a candidate to be hooked up (as your 2007 document states) - When you have a chance though tell me what sort of revenue you see this bringing in. Or is it more to bolster our green / carbon neutral credentials? Here is the link to the ACTL website btw: