A Fish Story So along time ago, in the Fraser River, I was helping a fellow railroader on a small 2Ton A boat 24 feet long. It was the first set of the day, we had drifted down stream, and it was time to pick up. When you pick up, you hang over the side and watch the gill net coming in on the drum. If there is a fish in the net, you will see certain strings in the net pulled tight. So I was picking up, my friend had went up to the main cabin for a washroom break
As I watch, I see the net go tight, then loose, then tight. I know some thing is up. We had a Sockeye net on, about 5&1/4 inch mesh. All of a sudden I see this massive nose come out of the water, he is only caught by his front fins, and keeps rolling back into the net. He is a big Spring, to gill he needs an eight inch mesh. So I leaned over, and on a roll, grabbed him by the head, and with the net help, pulled him into the boat. When my friend returned, he said, why didn't you call me.I said I was speechless, couldn't talk.
The fish was a 53 pound white Spring Salmon.
Go Copper, all the way!