RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why JVIt depends how bad u want copper jc. Jvs r almost always done with a metals taker in asia. But this metal will stay home. A jv partner gets there share of profits and does a deal for remaining metal. In flor they could just ship it around as calls come in. But a taker wants to secure supply.
Reality is that there us 2 billion pounds of copper at 5 billion before tax profit.
10% is 500 million. That is u.s. dollars. So 25 million per year for 80 million investment plus all copper secured for 20 years.
So u c npv is no wheres close to profit. Just how mines were valued historically. During the last 10 year mines have priced way lower than npv.
Also if 80 mill got them carried to production, then the jv only pays 25 cents a pound for there share. But u can buy on open market all 20 billion pounds of tko copper equiv. for 2 cents a pound at 2.00 a share.
So my guess is the people in the no are buying tko up before any jv. revalues tko. 25.00 sp is 25 cents a pound. So tko vould be at 10.00 before jv done.
Then the whale that bought distribute at much higher untill they have there boat loads paid for.
They will get a few of mine on the way up.