just finished watchingthe Adelaide Capital interview with CEO Curt Mavis and partner Scott Patterson.I can't tell you how much Im impressed with there business acumen and prowess.Successful management has always been my primary defacto standard of requirement of investing within a company.This has always lead to many of my successful investment journeys along my way. I knew just how sharp Curt Mavis is, but Scott Patterson has a huge portfolio of company successes in the past leading to multi million dollar buyouts. When you have the kind of expertise at the helm of this ship what is there not to like about this company that of which is slowly emerging out of its embryonic stages laid out in the past three years and evolving into another master piece of success just judging by there excitment and there giddy mannerisms that have investors entusiatically in overdrive trying to get a piece of the action. It worth another listen if you really don't understand the story of how huge this company will likely become.