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Aphria Inc. APHA

Aphria, which is headquartered in Ontario, produces and sells medicinal and recreational cannabis. The company operates through retail and wholesale channels in Canada and internationally. Aphria is a main distributor of medical cannabis to Germany and has operations in over 10 countries outside of Canada. However, it does not have exposure to the U.S. CBD or THC markets due to the constraints of federal prohibition. It has some U.S. exposure through the acquisition of SweetWater, a craft brewer

NDAQ:APHA - Post by User

Comment by Shazam57on Feb 16, 2021 9:00pm
Post# 32581127

RE:disbandment of the GOP

RE:disbandment of the GOP Actually Trump has over 70% approval ratings so yeah it will be. Look at what is happening to the senators who voted to impeach him. One of them was essentially (not legally though) disowned by his own family. It doesn't really matter though as there is a very high (pun intended) likelyhood of it being legalized. Of course it's just my opinion.
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