ridiculously undervalued in comparison to othersMany people will view a jump from the mid .20 cents mark to the .40s as a big jump and for those
lucky enough to buy at those levels I would agree it is a nice gain however when you start to
consider what this company has done so far and has a market cap of $18 million dollars you
quickly realize that this should be trading at least 3 times that right here and right now. I can
compare it to literally dozens of companies both around it and in completely different areas where
many do not have 5% of the exploration work done that Metallis has and are being valued at
extremely high market caps. Look at some of the exploration companies in the red hot
Newfoundland region like a Sokoman, Labrador, K9, Exploits etc etc etc and you soon realize
just how low the shareprice is and the only reason for it is because of the low share float and lack
of trading. Easily I would say one of the most undervalued precious metal companies considering
everything they have. I would imagine that with upcoming assay results in the next few days we
will see this up to between a dollar and a dollar fifty in a heartbeat and like I said before that is just
for starters.