Another Excellent News Release
the Way of Wills Toronto facilities has been successfully expanded from 8000 square feet to 20,000 square feet extra packing area so that they can process more things for a desired "exponential growth" for the past few months as to what I recall of the news release growth was stable at 30 percent but now being fully equipped to increase growth WoW is looking for between a 200 to 400 percent growth. The company gave a guidance of accretive value of 3.5 million for April. I believe to have seen this projection where it was 4 months in advance of April in other words a 4 months assuming I am correct and projecting out at 3.5 million at the normal historic growth that would mean theoretically we should see a years revenue of $10.5 million. I am assuming normal growth here holding it constant. But now when things are a little more known we will see it on a quarterly reporting. The big take away however is this the accretive value is increasing and that is the main thing so the accretive isnt necessarily stuck at 3.5 million it is just constant money flow it will be up during some times and down others as to be expected but this is exciting. If the company does indeed make a years revenue of 10 million that is quite impressive the following one I would love to see 12 million plus. As long as the company keeps growing and keeps overheads down not only as they are saying but also show it this is shaping up to be a fairly solid company. Let's see where things go. Like I said an excellent release.