RE:Glad I held Aphria and tilray Big players pulling the pupet strings. One day sector green, next red. No rhym nor reason for the news to support either trend. All BS manipulation by greedy losers on Wall Street and low life analysts. Every time they open their big mouths with their own agenda, the markets are reflected. All they do is punish a stock so the price moves in their favor to buy it up, then pump it with another story so it runs and they call sell for a profit. Absoulute crooks.
Corupt as fk....that's what it is.
I'm in deep with this sh*t show and don't know what to think. I feel Miquel is making strides in a positive way, yet, we are so far behind.....Aphria, Tilray are killing it. Their runs have been fantastic. and they seem to have management that knows how to make money. ACB?? Questionable at very least. Losing my patience after 3 years of loosing money.
I'm on the wrong train, that I know.
What a gong show again today.