OTCPK:MEDVF - Post by User
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knowsbeston Feb 19, 2021 9:52am
Post# 32608355
Why will this businesses be out of business soon
Why will this businesses be out of business soon
1. Impractical Idea—Collection sites+++BS ideas
One of the main reasons for failure is that the idea was impractical to begin with. There are some ideas that look good on paper but when it comes to the implementation of the idea you then realise that it was an impractical idea and it will never work out.
2. Resources
Another of the reasons why business fail is because there is the lack of resources. Resources may be money or a space to start from. Even the personnel to continue the business are counted as part of the resources.Applicable 100% to this BS company
3. Management
Then we have the issue of management. There are some people who are good at running business and there are some who are good with the though process. Therefore, when running your business, whether is, energy or Tech Company, you need to try and make sure everyone is allocated in their right place to ensure smooth running of business. NOT the Case with this basement company
4. Over Confidence
Then we have the issue of over confidence where we see people being over confident in what they are doing. It is okay to be confident when you are running a business but don't get too cocky as you are doing it. Perfect example with these idiots .
5. Mismanagement Of Funds
All business will need money in order to run, and you will need to be able to manage that money. Even with online casino games at sites you need to be able to manage your funds to continue playing. But if you don't manage your funds than there is no future for your business. Perfect example again they mismanaged the investors $
Sarb or Hidden or any other idiots on this board can send this statemet to DS for comment .