Copper Global Price SurgesDecided to complete some analytics on Casino's 3 recent stock price surges -
- Casino stock price increased $0.51 from Feb 10-19.
Feb 10 price increased from $1.56 - $1.75 or $0.19 followed by 2 days of price pullback.
Feb 16 price increased from $1.71 - $1.89 or $0.18 followed by 2 days of price pullback.
Feb 19 price increased from $1.81 - $2.07 or $0.26 followed by ? days of price pullback-tbd.
The patterns which appear to be occurring with small sample size-
-all copper deposits will continue to have a stock price increase, as global price surges occurs
-frequency of occurrence in Feb /21, every 3 business days.
A lot of chatter in the market, global copper prices will reach astronomical price increases, as we move towards the electrification process of which we have just entered.