RE:RE:RE:BTC per shareShadow I believe EV was asking about the drop in BitCoin per unit not the premium/discount of the market price to NAV, which has stayed very tight considering the volume.
As you mentioned, the closed end funds would have had much higher premiums at this point like they did during the late Dec, early Jan BitCoin run.
The great thing about all of these open ended ETFs that will be coming on line over the next year, both here and hopefully in the US, will be the need to continue to buy more coin. Kind of self fueling, retail investors who have been put off buying any crypto directly will have an ease of entrance and exit not had in the past.
At least in the short term it's hard not to see a steady growing demand curve.
Whether the weekend, or even close to open each trading day, investing in a 24hr traded commodity makes the posssible pops and drops at opens an added excitment.