.025I think Hexo upping the offer to a .025 multiple instead of the .01772 would be a fair deal considering this would not be giving too much on either party ...Zena has been looking a lot better since Shai took over but up untill that time there were numerous bad for shareholder decisions the top one being the .15 financing and lack of planning regarding it. Basically, previous management made the current situation the logical solution but a .025 conversion is enough of a bonus for HEXO where they will come out far ahead on Zena's improved and growing market . Zena has the bonus of being the first Canadian cannabis company to recieve CUMCS certification. CUMCS, or Control Union Medical Cannabis Standard, is the globally leading certification standard for medical cannabis. Zenpharm, Zennabis's joint venture has also recieved the EU GMP certification. Both of these certifications gives Zennabis easier access to foreign markets. Anyway, this is where I personally feel the deal should end up at minimum and it would be a comfortable one for both parties to accept.