The "new" article. LOL BREATHE people.Ladies and gents this is the same article just rewritten by a guy who has a website with -- wait for it -- twelve other articles on it! Yup. a whole twelve. Not one with anything to do with what Biocloud is about. Mostly about chiropractics!
And states he is "not invloved in science since 2017." Hmmm, wonder why? LOL
And my twelve year old godson could make a bettter website...
He is an absolute obscure zero nobody who begs in his "about" section "if you are a passionate science writer yourself, I would love to hear from you."
Well, he clearly heard from Jonathan. LOL
These are completely off base attack articles, written by no one of any consquence or reputation, only being given life because we are giving it to them.
I bet he has twenty followers and the only reason this gets any viewers of this "article" is because of us!
No, Paul doesnt have to address Jarry (and this poor conned Ryan) anymore than he already has.
Everyone here is overreacting. There will always be nay sayers about Biocoud until we start seeing it turning up in the world. Which should be, dont forget, THIS WEEK as the distributors have said they are now coming to them.
Until someone or some publication of consequence, reputation and reliability, armed with concrete proof and facts writes something debunking Biocloud, I say BREATHE.
Its amazing how quickly we have been trained to think "because its on the internet it must be true". Or at least part of it.
Biocloud has the backing of the NRC, U of Western, Ontario Govt, tons of distributors and more.
Don't forget that. Because therein lies all the proof you need.
If you are getting worried now because of some hack like Jonathan and some nobody with a high school looking website with no reputation well......then you havent been paying attention,