Just wanted to point out...please read....I looked at the people posting these attack articles and links to it and tweeting it.
On their tweets you see eight, nine, ten "likes".
Even the convict Dunning guy with 70K followers only had nine followers actually click "like" on it.
Wanna bet half those that clicked "like" probably didnt even go to the article? Just knee-jerked clicked as they do to most of his posts? I bet virtualy no one is reading it. Or even cares about it. Bet you that is the case.
We of course do since we are invested in it.
I see all the same posters here too, repeating same concerns over and over.
I'm not saying this all wont have some effect tomorrow without something from Kontrol but I see it all pretty short lived.
I can't say it enough.....dont post to these guys, comment to them, go to their sites and share them and give them hits to their pages or social media.
The less they are seen the more they fall off the algorhythmns. By giving it attention, we give them more viewers via algorhythmns. Its how instagram and twitter works.
Same goes here....the more repetitive posts you make, the more eyes come here what should be a non event.
They seem to be getting no traction. Lets not help them spin their innuendos shall we?