RE:RE:RE:Frankman, any update that you can kindly share.tu.eomPDM had about $7 million in the treasury before Sprott’s new $15 mil financing. I would like to see it cancelled for now as we had enough for exploration for 2021 on all three projects. I remember during one market crash companies couldn’t get financing anywhere. Bank vaults were closed.
One particular oil company I knew of had like $10 million in revenue monthly but could not secure an operating line of credit to cover continuing operations. They went from $14 s/p to pennies in short order. This is a sharp management team, and I’ll take the cash for now.
I admire Sprott but am not a fan. In the early days we walked the same streets. He lives(ed) near to one of my properties. Should knock on his door and ask wus’up? Kidding aside we will get back to to a steady stream of developments news.