I've read more about JarryAnd while I'm not happy with his take on Biocloud I am finding he is not a quack, is respected as a trusted source of information, and does hold mainstream "pro-science" views on the typical subjects. It should be no surprise that when Kontrol would not give him details (understandable of course) he went to a source pursuing a similar thing. The awkward conclusion I have come to is that his and Armstrong's takes are legit and to be reckoned with. They are not the hacks they are being accused of being here. Sorry dudes, you may be too close to yourselves with this. I am holding with the belief Kontrol will adequately (they haven't yet and the legal threat is weak) address this issue. Some orders will help but even then if they are orders of a questionable product that won't be wonderful.
Someone does need to reach that audience and convince them - no way around it if we are to be legit.