Next div and the longer term rosey to say the leastMy money is on $1.25 +. Why ? IOC did very well last year and will do even better this current year.
How can I say that ? Let's just say that that is in the grapevine.
There is a bright future for LIF due to IOC's current initiatives concerning briquetes. See the RIO NR dated 16 Feb. IOC is also aware of PYR.
There are negos inderway at the highest levels of gov, Fed et Prov, concerning the future of climate related intiatives and electicity supply.
Power could come from from Hydro Quebec or from Newfoundland power ( Muskrat Falls ).
IOC will be trying to get the best deal.
Keep your eyes and ears open for announcments from politicians looking to raise their profile before elections.
That sort of thing can take many months to come to fruition. Only then will the detailed engineering commence before any on site work can start.
The real benefits to the bottom line may be over two years away.
It would not be impossible that IOC may decide to retain some of the excess profits for future capital investments. In which case all our forecasts of dividends may go down the drain.