Investors Deck vs Prospectus
so, if the prospectus says "The Company has committed to over ten clinical sites, which to date include sites in Florida, Texas, Nevada, North Carolina and California, and it is estimated that over 200 patients will have completed the study for the interim analysis by the end of the second quarter of 2021. The interim analysis will determine the better performing Bucillamine dose arm for the remainder of the trial and future complementary studies evaluating it in more severe cases, thus making Bucillamine a potential treatment option."pg7
But the updated investors deck says milestone for interim analysis Q1. And the Fact sheet says 2 FDA phase 3 milestones in Q1.
what information is an investor to believe? Seems to me they have provided conflicting information. One set of info in an official filed document. And another set of info in an investor's power point presentation. If an investor has incurred major loses, they may want to look at that. I'm sure the forward looking statements probably covers the company if Q1 milestones not met.
Let's discuss