Due Diligence and thoroughly vetted:
I have a full time job and love the great posters here. It is contagious as the more DD one does the more excited on becomes on PYR as it is truly that incredible. Vetted by the lot of incredible engineers and science industry investors here plus multi billion dollar conglomerates and gov't entities!
Keep the faith and hold the fort longs:
Reason I started to post back in the spring of 2020..was all the disinformation whether careless or deliberate...both toxic!
It is like someone coming over to your house or business and starting to smack talk your family, family business etc with false narrative...who would not defend it and set them straight! Bashers want to run the table but thankfully LOT of great DD that know the company and smell false narrative dribble a mile away.
Today the battle was small setback relative to where sp should be headed but PYR and all longs will win the war!!!
STOP LOSS - dangerous!:
DO NOT USE STOP LOSS on your PYR position....you will get fleeced out of your shares by the end of the day as the stop loss trigger raids are very real!
Multi legged stoll investment:
As Pyrogenesis moves onto the rocket launch pad...actually we are still at really early stages. I have always believed in the story since day one while most did not as it was shifting from R&D into a productive company but now as things are getting very derisked moving into actual contracts! Please do your due diligence and you will soon understand how massive this company can be. Pretty well each division can dominate their targeted industries.
In reality you're buying a multi facet division company. Each division imho can morph into something unimaginable....multi billion dollar. So to buy all of them in one investment...is like $2 for each division.
Keep the faith PYR longs....imho we are sitting on a once in a lifetime investment unicorn!!!
I just post this part for newcomes:
Pyrogenesis vetted by billion dollar conglomerates and govt!
Pyrogenesis have client and partner list that is world renown and impressive such as:
1) M’aaden (Premier Aluminum Smelter) Multi-Billion Mkt Cap
2) Multinational Iron Ore Producers Multi-Billion Mkt Cap
3) Fincantieri Billion Mkt Cap
4) Aubert and Duval Multi-Billion Mkt Cap
5) Japanese Trading House Multi-Billion Mkt Cap
6) Premier Non-EU Aerospace Company
8) US Navy
Just one of many PYR divisions can be massive. This is just a list without too much detail:
3D Additive Powder(world class w competitive edge) - Now validated by world class premier Aerospace company
DROSITE (clearly demonstrated to beat out other big players in the industry),
USA MILITARY PAWDS(the highest of highest standards to get accredited),
Waste Destruction(countless applications),
TUNNEL/BORING(Exclusive contract),
PUREVAP(1 step to solar grade silicon and now silicon nano powders and wafers for EV batteries),
IRON ORE TORCHES. Replacing diesel fossil fuels in iron ore pelletization, metallurgical, steel another industries(massive potential and various other possible applications) etc...
So this is why I fully believe this company can morph into somehing unimaginable!!!