SPMT going up very soonWith the coming metallurgy report coming out in the next few weeks, it will further prove the resource they have in the ground. The lithium is there and I am actually surprised we are not trading a lot higher. I think it is undervalued compared to other lithium projects.
Look at Cypress - CYP - They are currently trading at $1.50 and SPMT resource is similar to that. Look at the map even - I have a feeling that Cypress is wanting to build the mine and not looking for a buyout, but either way; SPMT is in a very good position for a buyout. Look where it is in the map below. If CYP took over SPMT property, it would join the Cypress McGee claim to the lithium Glory lithium project giving one large mine.
Get in now before it takes off like a rocket ship!!!! Its already proven that the litrhium is in the ground.