Revenue There are 20 tests to a box. If the tests are bought in bulk, up to 5 boxes, there is a slight savings but the cost is still $1550 USD. I would expect some sort of wholesale agreement between Sparta and Assure. Need someone in business to describe the expected margin on this but they won't be selling them at cost.
"In less than a year there were close to 5 million entries into Canada that were truck drivers coming from the US." as reported in the NR.
As numbers of test kits sold over the next few weeks becomes reported, investors will quickly see the significance of this development. Sparta is really starting to gain traction. Here are just a few of the other significant developments that will have a positive impact on Sparta.
1. New environmentally conscious government in the US.
2. New environmental recycling and waste removal laws in Ontario ....January 1, 2021
3. Huge real estate development in wine country outside of Picton, Ontario
4. $millions from revenue put back into R&D for the launch of plastics to fuel and other new
This should be quite a year if you're patient and long on SAY.