RE:"you pompous, arrogant FACTING INBRED!"
that is my thoughts with Ceapro, it's hard to watch kettle heat up. Patience, patience!!!! Sold Ucore after losing patience at 1.06,month later 2.4. Sold Sherritt 19 cents last September got frustrated with management, CEO change after restructuring 63cent. Sold TRP at 10 bucks in 2001 friend told managment were bad, it had 8% Dividend. Don't let impatience cause you to sell at lows. Cousin bought Plug Power back when I was a penny stock when everybody got impatient with hydrogen he's a millionaire cuz he didn't sell it, and tell her that it's Breakout the $37 he sold half how do you solve the quarter at 70 bucks. And he has one quarter left. Anyway I have patience pays off most of the time. Have you ever had trouble with patience buy a house