Valued Im waitinfmd a day or two... 100 mill cash flow (per tko) fiscal 2020. Q4 averaged 3.5 copper price..... pp 30 million... so cash exiting 2019 was 69 million.... cash exiting 2020 was 80 million.... so where did 120 million go.... rusty said they exited 2020 with 200 million but kinda washed over that the 120 was new debt.... Now based on 4.20 copper. 2.8 c1 , 55 million financing.. 95 million lbs (75%).... valuse of 4x fcf is about 1.6/ share... wow... as for jv.... it looks like tko has 50% of funds in house. Will need to jv for aprox 150 million.... so atv4.2 copper .. 50% of flo.....